our treatments

Always aiming for excellence with the aid of the latest technology, we offer our patients a wide range of treatments for every need.


Treatments offered by our center to our animals.


The number of animals we have cared for so far

Soft tissue surgery

The medical staff of the Centro Veterinario Cornaredo ensures routine surgeries such as castrations and spays, and also those of greater complexity, including surgical emergencies.


For anesthesias the Centro Veterinario Cornaredo follows the most modern veterinarian anesthetic protocols, supported by vanguard technology for the surveillance of the patient and the best maintenance of the anesthesia.

Digital Radiology

Digital radiologie is a new powerful mean which is getting more and more used also in veterinary medicine. In order to keep up with the time and to offer always the best to its patients, the Centro Veterinario Cornaredo takes advantage of a modern radiographic device with a digitizer of X-ray-films, both one of the best on the market.


At Centro Veterinario Cornaredo all main orthopedic problems are treated, including the application of traumatic orthopedics.


Veterinary physiotherapy follows the same principals that are applied in the human one with the same objectives: getting the patient back to optimal physical conditions as soon as possible while promoting recovery, shortening the period of hospitalization, accelerating the process of recovery of the damaged tissue, preventing complications and facilitating the achievement and maintenance of a better quality of life for the patient who, in this case, is the beloved animal. As any other medical practice, physiotherapy needs to be performed by the veterinarian and needs to consider various factors: the age of the animal, its physical structor, the status if the musculature, potential pathologies and the applied surgical methodology. At Centro Veterinario Cornaredo we are trying to satisfy all these conditions in the best way.


Internal Medicine

The internal medicine encompasses various disciplines. At the Centro Veterinario Cornaredo we follow our patients for cases of dermatology, gastro-enterology, ophthalmology, cardiology, pneumology, endocrinology, oncology, neurology, etc.. In addition, for more complex cases, we work with specialists and graduates of the European College for the various disciplines, through the dense network of contacts we have developed over the years.

Behavioral Medicine

The cases of diseases related to behavioral disorders are constantly increasing. At the Centro Veterinario Cornaredo we also deal with behavioral veterinary medicine, among other things by taking advantage of the collaboration with specialists. Visits can be made directly at our center or in the everyday environment of the patient.

Laboratory analysis

At the Centro Veterinario Cornaredo is possible to give a diagnostic answer to all laboratory tests used in veterinary medicine. Examples include blood analysis, histological specimens, analysis of feces and urine, endocrinological tests, immunoassays, etc.

Feed and medicines available

In order to make our patients not miss anything and to offer the best choice to their owners, at the Centro Veterinario Cornaredo we have chosen a wide range of products of the most important companies producing animal food. Royal Canin, Forza 10, Hill's and Purina are some examples of our active collaborations.


To ensure the best quality of our products, the Centro Veterinario Cornaredo has entered into contracts with the best Swiss pharmaceutical companies in the field of vaccine to give our patients the newest products and protocols, safe and innovative.


For customers who simply want to keep their animal friend always clean, the Centro Veterinario Cornaredo also offers a grooming service. Associated with the veterinary medical facility, can guarantee the best performance to animals that normally get scared during these cleaning procedures. In fact, the more sensitive patients may be slightly sedated, of course with the consent of the owner, remaining under constant medical supervision.



In recent years the power has played an increasingly important, as scientific research has shown that a proper diet helps our animals to live better with less incidence of diseases. At the Centro Veterinario Cornaredo you will find the most suitable advice for proper nutrient intake associated with adequate physical activity.

Home visits during opening hours at the discretion

Since we increased our headcount in time, we decided to implement the deals Centro Veterinario Cornaredo for our customers. In fact, we propose a service of home visits during the day, at the discretion. Contact us for information.


Le malattie cardiologiche sono, purtroppo, molto diffuse tra i nostri animali domestici e sono una delle principali cause di decesso. Il Centro Veterinario Cornaredo mette a disposizione visite specialistiche, grazie al Dott. Luca Bertagnoli che assicura una corretta diagnosi e la terapia adeguata.


I problemi dermatologici affliggono i nostri amici sempre più spesso, abbassando di molto la qualità della loro vita. Vi offriamo la nostra consulenza e i nostri trattamenti dedicati


L’ecografia è una metodica diagnostica fondamentale e a volte decisiva per molte patologie, nonostante sia per nulla invasiva. Il Dott. Luca Bertagnoli, forte delle sue competenze diagnostiche, aiuta i nostri pazienti nella risoluzione delle loro problematiche.


L’endoscopia è un metodo diagnostico e operativo di eccellenza. Pur essendo minimamente invasivo, permette una diagnosi risolutiva di svariate patologie a carico di differenti organi e, non solo, la soluzione rapida e indolore a problemi frequenti, come ad esempio corpi estranei annidati nei più variati distretti. Il Dott. Lorenzo Redaelli offre questo servizio ai pazienti del Centro Veterinario Cornaredo.


Abbiamo acquisito nuovi amici che ci tengono compagnia come ad esempio piccoli e grandi roditori, rettili, anfibi, uccelli di ogni tipo. Anche loro, come cani e gatti, necessitano di cure appropriate e specialistiche. Al Centro Veterinario Cornaredo troverete le competenze e le cure che potranno aiutarvi con i vostri simpatici compagni di vita.

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